To support older adults is similar to caring for children as it is import to not undermine their ability but to support and guide them in a way that does not cause frustration or humiliation.
I visit Jane and Ken at least once a week, to help with household duties and practical support, such as driving for shopping and hospital visits when family isn’t available. I make phone calls and help debunk some letters and paper work and official correspondence.
Pam and Bill, need a different kind of support as Pam has dementia. I’m working as a volunteer with Carers Trust, offering respite care for Bill. Mostly I just pop in for an hour or so once a week, giving Bill the chance to get out of the house on his own.
I’m not offering personal care at the moment, but I’m very willing to stay overnight and visit as a companion for regular respite care of emergency and temporary cover for extended periods of time.